A Seminar on “Japan’s New Free and Open Indo-Pacific Initiative: Implications to India and South Asia”

Pan- Asia Research Institute (PARI), Tokyo organized a Seminar on “Japan’s New Free and Open Indo-Pacific Initiative: Implications to India and South Asia” at Hyderabad today. The event was organized in collaboration with the Center for Human Security Studies (CHSS), Hyderabad, India.
Dr. Ramesh Kanneganti, Founder Director, Center for Human Security Studies (CHSS); Prof. P.V. RAO, Expert – Indian Ocean Studies; Prof. G.V.C Naidu (Retd), Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Mr. R Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad; Dr. Debashish Nandi, Kazi Nazrul University; and Dr. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Executive Director (PARI) were the designated discussants of the session.
Distinguished academics, researchers and postgraduate students of Hyderabad area participated in the event.

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